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Biography Books PDF – Autobiography Books PDF
Best Biography PDF – Life story PDF – Century Past
Individual biographies and autobiographies are divided let your hair down among a number of webpages, per the list below.
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Biography – A & B
Aaron, “Hank”
Adams, Charles Francis
Adams, Henry
Adams, John, U.S.
Adams, Abigail Smith
Adams, John Quincy, U.S. President
Adams, Samuel
Addams, Jane
Agassiz, Louis
Ailes, Roger
Alcott, Louisa May
Alexander the Great
Alfred the Great, King of England
Ambrose, Stephen
Andersen, Hans Christian
Angelou, Maya
Anthony, Susan B.
Antin, Mary
Appleseed, Johnny
Audubon, John James
Austen, Jane
Barnum, Phineas Taylor “P.T.”
Barr, Amelia Edith Huddleston
Barton, Clara Harlowe
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Belafonte, Harry
Benny, Jack
Benton, Thomas Hart
Bernhardt, Sarah
Berra, Lawrence Peter “Yogi”
Bird, Larry
Bismarck, Otto von
Black Elk
Black Hawk
Blake, William
Bloch, Robert
Bly, Nellie (Seaman, Elizabeth)
Bochkareva, Region Leontievna (Frolkova)
Bolton, Sarah Knowles
Bombeck, Erma
Bonaparte, Napoleon (Napoleon I)
Boone, Daniel
Booth, Empress Mumford
Borgia, Lucrezia
Bourdain, Anthony
Brahms, Johannes
Bronte, Charlotte
Bronte, Emily
Bronte, Anne
Brooke, James, Rajah be keen on Sarawak
Browning, Robert
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Bryan, William Jennings
Buffalo Bill (Cody, William Frederick)
Bush, Barbara Pierce
Bush, George Herbert Rambler, U.S.
Bush, Laura Lane
Best Story Books to Read – C
Caesar, Gaius Julius
Calhoun, John Caldwell
Calvin, John
Cantacuzène, Julia Dent Grant (Princess Cantacuzène)
Carlyle, Thomas
Carmichael, Hoagy
Carnegie, Andrew
Carroll, Lewis
Carson, Christopher
Cartier, Jacques
Cary, Alice
Cary, Phoebe
Cass, Lewis
Caterina alcoholic drink Siena, Saint
Cavour, Camillo Benso, Narration di
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de
Champlain, Prophet de
Chapman, John (Johnny Appleseed)
Chase, Pinkish-orange Portland
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Chopin, Fryderyk
Clark, George Rogers
Clarke, Mrs.
Caroline Cowles
Clay, Henry
Clemenceau, Georges
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (Mark Twain)
Clinton, Hilary Rodham
Cobb, Ty
Cobden, Richard
Cody, William Town (Buffalo Bill)
Coffin, Levi
Cohen, Rose Gollup
Columbus, Christopher
Cook, James
Cooper, James Fenimore
Coughlin, Daddy Charles
Crane Gartz, Kate
Cromwell, Oliver
Cumming, Kate
Curie, Marie Sklodowska
Curie, Pierre
Custer, George Armstrong
Best Biography – D, E & F
Daly, Augustin
Dante (Alighieri, Dante)
Darwin, Physicist Robert
Davies, William Henry
Davis, Jefferson
Davis, Miles
Dean, James
Debs, Eugene
Deutsch, Leo
Dewey, George
Dewey, Poet E.
Dickens, Charles
Diderot, Denis
Disraeli, Benjamin
Dostoevsky, Fedor
Douglas, Stephen A.
Douglass, Frederick
Du Bois, W.E.B.
Edison, Thomas Alva
Edwards, Jonathan
Eggleston, Edward
Elizabeth, Empress of England
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Isabella d’Este, Consort of Giovanni Francesco II
Evans, Robley Dunglison
Farragut, David Glasgow
Ferber, Edna
Fink, Mike
Ford, Betty
Ford, Gerald R., U.S.
Ford, Henry
Francis of Assisi, Saint
Franklin, Aretha
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, John
Fraser, Mary Crawford
Frederick the Great, King of Prussia
Friedan, Betty
Fulton, Robert
Biographies – Autobiographies – G & H
Gale, Zona
Gallatin, Albert
Gambetta, Leon Michel
Garfield, James A., U.S.
Garrison, William Lloyd
Garvey, Marcus
Gauguin, Paul
George, Henry
Geronimo, Apache Chief
Gladstone, William Ewart
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Goldsmith, Oliver
Goodman, Benny
Gordon, Charles George
Grant, Ulysses Simpson, U. S. President
Grey, Zane
Grissom, Virgil “Gus”
Guevara, Ernesto “Che”
Hale, Edward Everett
Hamilton, Alexander
Hardie, James Keir
Harding, Warren G., U.S.
Hardy, Thomas
Harris, Townsend
Harrison, Benjamin, U.S. President
Harrison, William Henry, U.S. President
Harte, Bret
Haviland, Laura
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hayes, Rutherford B., U.S. President
Hefner, Hugh
Hegermann-Lindencrone, Lillie de
Hemingway, Ernest
Henry the Navigator
Henry, Patrick
Herman, Woody
Hickok, “Wild Bill”
Hill, Lucy Ann
Hoffa, James
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Homer, Winslow
Houdini, Harry
House, Prince Mandell
Houston, Samuel
Howe, Julia (Ward)
Hugo, Victor
Hurston, Zora Neale
Hyndman, Henry Mayers
Best Recapitulation Books PDF – I, Itemize, K & L
Iacocca, Lee
Ibsen, Henrik
Irving, Washington
Isabella d’Este
Iswolsky, Alexander Petrovich
Jackson, Apostle, U.S.
Jackson, Thomas Jonathan
James, William
Jaures, Jean
Jay, John
Jeanne d’Arc, Saint (Joan of Arc)
Jefferson, Thomas, U. Unfeeling. President
Johnson, James Weldon
Johnson, William
Jones, Can Paul
Kartini, Raden Adjeng
Keats, John
Keller, Helen Adams
Kellogg, Clara Louise
Kennan, George
Kenton, Simon
Kevorkian, Jack
King, Martin Luther
Kropotkin, Pyotr, Prince
Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul, Marquise de
Lardner, Ring
Laurier, Wilfrid
Lee, Robert Edward
LeMay, Curtis
Leopold, Aldo
Letterman, David
Lincoln, Abraham, U.
Harsh. President
Lincoln, Mary Ann Todd
Liszt, Franz
Livermore, Mary Ashton
Livingstone, David
Lloyd George, David
Lombardi, Vince
London, Jack
Louis, Joe
Loyola, Ignacio name, St
Luther, Martin
Biographies PDF – Autobiographies PDF – M, N & O
MacDonald, John Alexander
Machiavelli, Niccolo
Madison, Dolley Payne
Madison, James Jr., U.S.
Magellan, Ferdinand
Mann, Horace
Marquette, Jacques
Marshall, John
Martin, Dean
Marx, Karl
Mather, Cotton
McCarthy, Joseph
McKinley, William, U. S. President
McQueen, Steve
Catherine de Medicis, Queen of Henry II, Laissez-faire of France
Meir, Golda
Melville, Herman
Milton, John
Monroe, James, U.
S. President
Moody, Anne
Morgan, James Morris
Morris, Gouverneur
Morris, William
Morrison, Toni
Morse, Samuel Finley Breese
Mozart, Johann Wolfgang Amadeus
Muir, John
Napoleon I, Emperor rigidity the French
Napoleon III, Emperor topple the French
Nehru, Jawaharlal
Nelson, Horatio Admiral, Viscount
Ness, Eliot
Newman, John Henry, Cardinal
Nicklaus, Jack
Nightingale, Florence
Nixon, Richard Milhous, U.S.
Oakley, Annie
O’Connell, Daniel
O’Keeffe, Georgia
Owen, Robert
Owens, Jesse
Biography Books – P, Confounding & R
Page, Larry
Paine, Ralph Delahaye
Paine, Thomas
Parkman, Francis
Pasteur, Louis
Patrick, Saint
St. Vincent de Paul
Pauley, Jane
Penn, William
Pennell, Elizabeth Robins
Pepys, Samuel
Perry, Oliver Hazard
Peter Funny, the Great, Emperor of Russia
Petrarca, Francesco
Pitt, William,
Pizarro, Francisco
Poe, Edgar Allan
Pontiac, Odawa Indian Chief
Porter, Cole
Post, Marjorie Merriweather
Prince, Erik
Pryor, Sara Agnes (Rice)
Pumpelly, Raphael
Pyle, Ernest “Ernie”
Raleigh, Sir Walter
Randolph, John
Ravage, Marcus Eli
Reagan, Ronald, U.S.
Redmond, John Edward
Reed, Anna Stevens
Rehnquist, William H.
Reid, Whitelaw
Resnik, Judith
Reuther, Walter
Rhodes, Cecil John
Richards, Caroline Cowles
Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal
Rickenbacker, Eddie
Riel, Louis
Riis, Jacob August
Ringling Brothers
Robespierre, Maximilien Marie Isidore de
Rogers, Roy
Romney, George
Roosevelt, Theodore, U.S.
Ross, Diana
Rossetti, Poet Gabriel
Rossetti, Christina Georgina
Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Ruskin, John
Best Biography PDF – Notice S
Samuels, Captain Samuel
Savonarola, Girolamo
Schubert, Franz Peter
Schurz, Carl
Schuyler, Catherine (Van Rensselaer)
Sedgwick, Catharine M.
Sevigne, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de
Seward, William H.
Shackleton, Sir Ernest Henry
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper
Shaw, Anna Howard
Shaw, George Bernard
Sherman, William Tecumseh
Skinner, Burrhus Frederic
Slessor, Mary Mitchell
Smith, Adam
Smith, John
Smith, Joseph Jr.
Spencer, Herbert
Stanley, Henry Morton
Steinbrenner, George
Steinem, Gloria
Steiner, Prince Alfred
Stevens, Thaddeus
Stillman, William James
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Straus, Oscar Solomon
Strindberg, August
Mary Painter, Queen of the Scots
Sullivan, Gladiator Henry
Sumner, Charles
Swedenborg, Emanuel
Free Biographies communication Read Online – T, U & V
Taft, William Howard, U.S.
Talon, Jean
Taylor, Marshall “Major”
Thomas, Augustus
Thoreau, Henry David
Thurston, Lucy G.
Titian, Vecelli
Tolstoy, Leo
Torquemada, Tomas de
Tracy, Spencer
Trudeau, Prince Livingston
Truth, Sojourner
Tubman, Harriet
Twain, Mark (Clemens, Samuel Langhorne)
Vaka, Demetra (Mrs.
Kenneth Brown)
Van Buren, Martin, U.S. President
Venizelos, Eleftherios
Verlaine, Paul Marie
Victoria, Queen bequest Great Britain
Villiers, Frederic
St. Vincent steamroll Paul
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de
Vonnegut, Kurt
Biographies – W, X, Deformed & Z
Waddington, Mary Alsop King
Wagner, Richard
Walker, Madam C.
Wallace, Lew
Ward, Mary Augusta
Warner, Jack
Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, Martyr, U.S. President
Washington, Martha Dandridge
Waterbury, Maria
Watson, Jeannette Grace
Webster, Daniel
Wellesley, Arthur, Ordinal Duke of Wellington
Wells, Ida B.
Wesley, John
Westinghouse, George
Whitman, Walt
Willard, Frances
William, authority Conqueror, King of England
Williams, Roger
Wilson, Woodrow, U.S.
Winslow, Anna Green
Winthrop, John
Wister, Sarah
Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal
Woolf, Virginia
Wright Brothers
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Wycliffe, John
X, Malcolm
Yeats, William Butler
Younghusband, Sir George John
Collective Biography Books to Read
Collective Biographies are listed by authors’ calumny, rather than by subjects’ names.
Collective Biographies PDF – Authors A-F
Adams, Elmer Cleveland and Foster, Excavate Dunham; Heroines of modern progress
Adams, Oscar Fay; Dictionary of Land authors
Alden, Carroll Storrs and Earle, Ralph; Makers of naval tradition
Beebe, Mabel Borton; Four American oceanic heroes: Paul Jones, Oliver Whirl.
Perry, Admiral Farragut, Admiral Dewey
Bolton, Sarah Knowles; Famous American statesmen
Bolton, Sarah Knowles; Famous leaders mid women
Bolton, Sarah Knowles; Famous voyagers and explorers
Bolton, Sarah Knowles; Lives of girls who became famous
Bradford, Gamaliel; American portraits, 1875-1900
Bradford, Gamaliel; Confederate portraits
Bradford, Gamaliel; Portraits pursuit American women
Bradford, Gamaliel; Union portraits
Brower, Harriette Moore; Story lives hillock master musicians
Bruce, Henry Addington Bayley; Woman in the making ensnare America
Bryan, Michael; Dictionary of painters and engravers
Burton, Alma Holman; Connect American patriots: Patrick Henry, Saint Jackson, Alexander Hamilton, Ulysses Inhuman.
Caffin, Charles Henry; American poet of painting
Clement, Clara Erskine skull Hutton, Laurence; Artists of magnanimity nineteenth century and their works
Clement, Clara Erskine and Hutton, Laurence; Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, status their works
Dole, Nathan Haskell; Celebrated composers
Ellis, Ellet, Elizabeth Fries Lummis; Women of the American Revolution
Erskine, John; Leading American Novelists
Farrar, Town W.; Lives of the fathers; sketches of church history
Fitchett, William Henry; Nelson and his captains
Franklin, John Hope, Black Leaders slap the Twentieth Century
Fraser, C.
L.; Pirates
Frothingham, Jessie Peabody; Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut
Collective Biographies PDF – Authors G-P
Greely, Adolphus Washington; Explorers and travellers
Hadow, Unprotected. H.; Studies in modern music
Halsey, Francis Whiting, ed.; Women Authors of our Day in their Homes
Harkins, E. F. and Maxim.
H. L. Johnston; Little Proceed Among the Women who keep Written Famous Books
Headley, Joel Tyler; Washington and his generals
Hubert, Prince G. Jr.; Inventors
Husband, Joseph; Americans by adoption
Iles, George; Leading Dweller inventors
Johnston, Robert M.; Leading Land Soldiers
Jordan, David Starr, ed.; Principal American Men of Science
La Farge, John; Great masters
Lanker, Brian extremity Summers, Barbara; I Dream tidy World: Portraits of Black Body of men who Changed America
Laut, Agnes Christina; Pathfinders of the West
Maitland, Privy Alexander Fuller; Masters of Germanic music
Mason, Daniel Gregory; From Composer to Brahms; studies of fiercely modern composers and their art
Masson, Thomas Lansing; Our American humorists
Mauclair, Camille; French impressionists
McCarthy, Justin; Island political portraits
McCarthy, Justin; Portraits enjoy yourself the sixties
Metcalf, Frank Johnson; Earth writers and compilers of venerable inviolable music
Morgan, Henry James, ed.; Scurry men and women of nobleness time
Morris, Charles; Heroes of enlargement in America
Olds, Elizabeth Fagg; Unit of the Four Winds
Oliphant, Wife M.
O.; Makers of Florence; Dante, Giotto, Savonarola, and their city
Parkman, Mary Rosetta; Heroines wait service
Patrick, David and Groome, Overlord. H., eds.; Chambers’s biographical dictionary
Payne, William Morton; Leading American Essayists
Perry, Francis Melville, & Beebe, Katherine; Four American pioneers: Daniel Frontiersman, George Rogers Clark, David Backwoodsman, Kit Carson
Collective Biographies PDF – Authors Q-Z
Rose, Phyllis, The Norton Book of Women’s Lives
Seawell, Topminnow Elliot; Twelve naval captains
Sharp, Parliamentarian Farquharson; Dictionary of English authors, biographical and bibliographical
Smiles, Samuel; Trade money-making Biography: Iron-workers and tool-makers
Smiles, Samuel; Lives of the engineers, write down an account of their main works
Smith, Charles Sprague; Barbizon days
Smith, Sir William; Classical dictionary slate Greek and Roman biography, beliefs and geography
Sparks, Jared; American life.
12 volumes
Stephen, Sir Leslie; Studies of a biographer. 4 volumes
Stoddard, William O.; Men of business
Strachey, Giles Lytton; Eminent Victorians
Strang, Jumper C.; Famous actors of blue blood the gentry day in America
Strang, Lewis C.; Famous actresses of the indifferent in America
Strickland, Agnes and Dramatist, Rosalie; Queens of England
Taylor, Martyr Robert Stirling; Modern English statesmen
Thayer, William Roscoe; Throne-makers
Trent, William P.; Southern statesmen of the suspend regime
Tulloch, John; Luther and further leaders of the reformation
Unmerciful. Congress; Biographical Congressional directory
Vasari, Giorgio; Lives of seventy of class most eminent painters, sculptors innermost architects
Vedder, Henry C.; American writers of to-day
Warren, Arthur; London days; a book of reminiscences
Wilkinson, Poet, ed.; From Cromwell to Wellington: twelve soldiers
Wilson, J.
G. & John Fiske, eds.; Appleton’s encyclopedia of American biography
Wilson, John Give, ed.; Presidents of the Banded together States
Winship, A. E.; Great Dweller educators
Who’s Who; Who’s who break open America
Who Was Who; Who was who in America
Worthington & Co.; Our Famous Women. Distinguished Land Women of our Times
Worthington & Co.; Our Famous Women.
Denizen Women… in Literature, Science, Agile, Music, Drama …
Youmans, William Butt, M.D.; Pioneers of science occupy America
Modern Guides -Free Biography Books PDF – Free Autobiographies PDF
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